How to retry failed tests (flaky tests)?
Flaky (nondeterministic) tests, are tests that exhibit both a passing and a failing result with the same code.
I recommend to use rspec-retry gem that can retry failing test. It can be useful for randomly failing features specs. For instance you can configure it to retry 3 times features test before marking it as failing.
Alternative way is to use built into RSpec only failures option to rerun failed tests.
Please add to your RSpec configuration:
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.example_status_persistence_file_path = "tmp/rspec_examples.txt"
Then you can execute rspec with only failed tests after main knapsack_pro
command finish.
# Run knapsack_pro in Queue Mode and it will save failed tests in tmp/rspec_examples.txt
bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:queue:rspec
# run only failed tests from tmp/rspec_examples.txt
bundle exec rspec --only-failures