Knapsack Pro

Heroku CI vs AppVeyor comparison of Continuous Integration servers
What are the differences between Heroku CI and AppVeyor?

Heroku CI

Unique feature

Heroku Flow

Supports NuGet packages / Windows build environment

Type of product


SaaS / On Premise

Offers a free plan

No (partial)

For CI only, the cost starts at $10 for pipeline, plus a variable amount depending on how long the build runs for (prorated per second). The servers used for CI cost $250 for a full month, which means you get about 3 hours for $1. For hosting, there's a free tier, limited to 1 web/1 worker with 512 MB RAM. One of the more annoying limitations is that free dynos are put into sleep mode after 30 min. of inactivity, which increases loading times considerably.


Free SaaS plan for open source projects. There is also a free on premise version, but it's quite limited (1 user, 1 team, community support)

Predictable pricing


Clearly defined, offers a calculator.


Very simple pricing plans: 3 options for the SaaS version, two options for the on premise option. No variable pricing.

Support / SLA



All paid on premise plans offer support, as well as the two higher priced SaaS plans. Only community support available for the free on premise version and the lowest SaaS tier.

Every CI servers tends to address this differently (parallel, distributed, build matrix). Some of it is just marketing, and some is just nuance. For this table, parallel means that tasks can be run concurrently on the same machine, distributed means that tasks can be scaled horizontally, on multiple machines
How to split tests in parallel in the optimal way with Knapsack Pro


Up to 16 nodes. You can ask Heroku support to enable up to 32 parallel dynos.


Allows splitting tests to run on different VMs in parallel.

Distributed builds
distributed means that tasks can be scaled horizontally, on multiple machines
How to split tests in parallel in the optimal way with Knapsack Pro



Containers support / Build environment


Builds run in isolation on new dynos (Heroku containers). Wide support via buildpacks:


Runs every build in a VM, and it offers several options depending on the plan (SaaS or self-hosted) as well sa personal preference.

Analytics / Status overview
Analytics and overview referrs to the ability to, at a glance, see what's breaking (be it a certain task, or the build for a specific project)


Great visual overview built-in.


The dashboard is not as great as for other options in the market, but allows seeing project status at a glance.

Management support
How easy is it to manage users / projects / assign roles and permissions and so on


One of the more mature solutions for teams on the market, Heroku Teams is available for free for 1-5 people, and comes at a cost for 6+ team members: Allows setting roles and app-level permissions with ease.


Allows creating teams and assigning roles. There is some integration with GitHub Teams but the concepts are different which might be tricky depending on how the GitHub project is managed, for instance.

Self-hosted option



Hosted plans / SaaS



Build pipelines
A continuous delivery pipeline is a description of the process that the software goes through from a new code commit, through testing and other statical analysis steps all the way to the end-users of the product.


Very easy and intuitive process that allows defining a pipeline from code commit, to code review (review apps), user acceptance testing and production deployment, via Heroku Flow. Works best if the project is also hosted on Heroku.


There is a single predefined possible pipeline, which defines various hooks (such as before_build / after_build). The pipeline can be configured via the UI or via an appveyor.yml file. The two are mutually exclusive, so it's either one or the other.

Reports are about the abilty to see specific reports (like code coverage or custom ones), but not necesarily tied in into a larger dashboard.



Notifications are highly configurable, but visual reports such as code coverage is not easy to implement.

Besides the official documentation and software, is there a large community using this product? Are there any community-driven tools / plugins that you can use?


Wide array of 3rd party add-ons available via Heroku Elements: Custom buildpacks are also available for almost any stack you might be using (over 5500 buildpacks available at the moment)


Specific language support: Ruby
Some CI servers have built-in support for parsing RSpec or Istanbul output for example and we mention those. Some others make it even easier by detecting Gemfiles or package.json and automate parts of the process for the developer.


Although not specifically built in to Heroku, it's guaranteed that any Ruby specific need that might arise would be solved via add-ons, buildpacks or other integrations available.


Many Ruby gems use AppVeyor as their CI server of choice. Among the features for Ruby are the pre-installed Ruby versions on both Windows and Ubuntu servers, as well as the appveyor-worker gem which makes it easy to report status during the build process.

Specific language support: JavaScript


Although not specifically built in to Heroku, it's guaranteed that any Javascript specific need that might arise would be solved via add-ons, buildpacks or other integrations available.


Comes with node.js and io.js versions pre-installed. Also offers documentation on npm integration on their website.

1st party support for common tools (like Slack notifications, various VCS platforms, etc)


The strongest built-in integrations are with GitHub and Slack (ChatOps) but even allows integrating 3rd party CI servers in the workflow if you so require, among others.


Probably the most notable aspect here is the large array of deployment integrations available (from simple FTP uploads to Azure servers or NuGet packages).

Custom integreation is available, via an API or otherwise, it's mentioned separately as it allows further customization than any of the Ecosystem/Integration options


Offers a feature rich API that allows CRUD operations on the most important features, such as promoting an app to production, or inspecting a specific pipeline.


Offers a basic CRUD REST API for querying projects and builds as well as a real-time Build Worker API which can send updates on build status.




Additional notes

Very Windows oriented

How to leverage Heroku CI to run your tests faster?

Introduction to Knapsack Pro Heroku add-on

Heroku CI parallelism integration

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