Knapsack Pro

CONSUL / Consul / RSpec tests / Build ID 383f3d6c-ef2d-4d7d-8dda-55f5554cc141

Build Details

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Commit hash Branch Nodes Tests execution time Created at
662c5a9 refs/heads/cookies_consent 5 2 hours 7 minutes 40.66 seconds   169% 2024-02-22 14:22:43 UTC

Parallel CI nodes

All parallel CI nodes finished their work.

The time span between the finish times of the CI node that Finished First and the one which Finished Last is 7 minutes 37.5 seconds. The shorter this time is, the better.


Parallel CI nodes

The first CI node finished its work at 2024-02-22 14:46:56 UTC. CI nodes that finished at least 60s later are highlighted.

The reason for slow CI nodes might be too large test files (see the Test Files tab). You may want to try the Knapsack Pro Queue Mode (Ruby) to improve the distribution of your tests. Learn more about dynamic test suite split here.

Note: if you run a CI build for the same commit again (for instance when you retry a CI build), then you will see the data updated below. Some of the nodes might be highlighted until the whole CI build is complete.

The average test execution time per CI node is 25 minutes 32.14 seconds.

The time span between the finish times of the CI node that Finished First and the one which Finished Last is 7 minutes 37.5 seconds. The shorter this time is, the better.

Node index Finish time Tests execution time (2 hours 7 minutes 40.66 seconds)
0 2024-02-22 14:46:59 UTC 24 minutes 0.13 seconds
1 Finished First 2024-02-22 14:46:56 UTC 23 minutes 58.11 seconds
2 2024-02-22 14:47:00 UTC 24 minutes 2.81 seconds
3 Finished Last 2024-02-22 14:54:33 UTC 31 minutes 35.39 seconds
4 2024-02-22 14:46:58 UTC 24 minutes 4.24 seconds

Test Files recorded on parallel CI nodes

You can likely decrease your CI build time by around 7 minutes 18 seconds by running more parallel CI nodes.

Running 7 parallel nodes should result in an optimal build time (~18.24 minutes)

Test file path (Displaying entries 101 - 200 of 566 in total files) Execution time
spec/system/admin/tenants_spec.rb 20.12 seconds 31% Trend
spec/system/legislation/summary_spec.rb 20.0 seconds 498% Trend
spec/system/admin/budget_headings_spec.rb 19.88 seconds 57% Trend
spec/system/dashboard/mailing_spec.rb 19.85 seconds 1249% Trend
spec/models/budget_spec.rb 19.81 seconds 54% Trend
spec/system/localization_spec.rb 19.39 seconds 918% Trend
spec/system/budgets/groups_spec.rb 19.2 seconds 872% Trend
spec/system/officing/results_spec.rb 19.08 seconds 466% Trend
spec/system/admin/legislation/proposals_spec.rb 18.8 seconds 957% Trend
spec/system/admin/cookies/vendors_spec.rb 18.3 seconds 25% Trend
spec/system/moderation/budget_investments_spec.rb 18.25 seconds 39% Trend
spec/system/admin/local_census_records/imports_spec.rb 18.06 seconds 634% Trend
spec/system/polls/results_spec.rb 17.9 seconds 518% Trend
spec/system/dashboard/polls_spec.rb 17.85 seconds 85% Trend
spec/system/admin/legislation/questions_spec.rb 17.52 seconds 70% Trend
spec/system/budgets/stats_spec.rb 17.45 seconds 1127% Trend
spec/system/admin/budgets_wizard/groups_spec.rb 17.23 seconds 162% Trend
spec/i18n_spec.rb 17.21 seconds 8% Trend
spec/system/budget_polls/budgets_spec.rb 17.21 seconds 774% Trend
spec/system/html_injection_spec.rb 16.58 seconds 831% Trend
spec/system/verification/email_spec.rb 16.53 seconds 1337% Trend
spec/system/comments/polls_spec.rb 15.7 seconds 5% Trend
spec/system/sdg/goals_spec.rb 15.34 seconds 196% Trend
spec/system/legislation/questions_spec.rb 14.93 seconds 74% Trend
spec/system/admin/budgets_wizard/headings_spec.rb 14.81 seconds 99% Trend
spec/system/admin/site_customization/information_texts_spec.rb 14.8 seconds 34% Trend
spec/system/dashboard/dashboard_spec.rb 14.7 seconds 7% Trend
spec/system/admin/widgets/cards_spec.rb 14.49 seconds 47% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/questions/answers/documents/documents_spec.rb 14.45 seconds 484% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/booth_assigments_spec.rb 14.13 seconds 133% Trend
spec/system/admin/machine_learning_spec.rb 14.1 seconds 182% Trend
spec/system/officing/ballot_sheets_spec.rb 14.0 seconds 622% Trend
spec/system/verification/level_two_verification_spec.rb 13.84 seconds 612% Trend
spec/models/abilities/common_spec.rb 13.74 seconds 24% Trend
spec/system/tags_spec.rb 13.38 seconds 18% Trend
spec/system/admin/stats_spec.rb 13.37 seconds 11% Trend
spec/system/moderation/proposals_spec.rb 13.17 seconds 29% Trend
spec/system/admin/legislation/draft_versions_spec.rb 12.55 seconds 39% Trend
spec/system/admin/admin_notifications_spec.rb 12.07 seconds 33% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/officers_spec.rb 11.93 seconds 831% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/questions/answers/answers_spec.rb 11.68 seconds 156% Trend
spec/system/admin/organizations_spec.rb 11.63 seconds 91% Trend
spec/models/proposal_spec.rb 11.57 seconds 20% Trend
spec/system/budget_polls/officing_spec.rb 11.45 seconds 1908% Trend
spec/system/moderation/comments_spec.rb 11.33 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/admin/banners_spec.rb 11.2 seconds 111% Trend
spec/system/admin/sdg/managers_spec.rb 11.03 seconds 206% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/active_polls_spec.rb 10.86 seconds 365% Trend
spec/system/admin/budgets_wizard/phases_spec.rb 10.84 seconds 116% Trend
spec/system/management/localization_spec.rb 10.8 seconds 1491% Trend
spec/system/subscriptions_spec.rb 10.52 seconds 870% Trend
spec/system/sdg_management_spec.rb 10.51 seconds 1127% Trend
spec/system/sdg_management/targets_spec.rb 10.5 seconds 623% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/questions/answers/images/images_spec.rb 10.49 seconds 14% Trend
spec/system/admin/valuators_spec.rb 10.05 seconds 152% Trend
spec/system/admin/geozones_spec.rb 9.64 seconds 68% Trend
spec/system/verification/level_three_verification_spec.rb 9.62 seconds 150% Trend
spec/system/communities_spec.rb 9.34 seconds 225% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/booths_spec.rb 9.28 seconds 119% Trend
spec/system/admin/budget_groups_spec.rb 9.28 seconds Trend
spec/system/admin/hidden_budget_investments_spec.rb 9.23 seconds 124% Trend
spec/system/budgets/results_spec.rb 9.19 seconds 10% Trend
spec/system/moderation/legislation_proposals_spec.rb 9.17 seconds 1427% Trend
spec/system/documents_spec.rb 9.03 seconds 551% Trend
spec/models/user_spec.rb 8.59 seconds 88% Trend
spec/models/debate_spec.rb 8.56 seconds 10% Trend
spec/models/abilities/administrator_spec.rb 8.52 seconds 30% Trend
spec/models/budget/heading_spec.rb 8.51 seconds 35% Trend
spec/system/admin/debates_spec.rb 8.51 seconds 188% Trend
spec/system/proposal_ballots_spec.rb 8.5 seconds 748% Trend
spec/system/budget_polls/polls_spec.rb 8.45 seconds 917% Trend
spec/models/progress_bar_spec.rb 8.37 seconds 23% Trend
spec/system/stats_spec.rb 8.32 seconds 677% Trend
spec/system/admin/local_census_records_spec.rb 7.94 seconds 78% Trend
spec/system/images_spec.rb 7.85 seconds 1847% Trend
spec/system/ckeditor_spec.rb 7.81 seconds 121% Trend
spec/system/robots_spec.rb 7.81 seconds 598% Trend
spec/models/machine_learning_spec.rb 7.75 seconds 9% Trend
spec/system/sdg_management/homepage_spec.rb 7.67 seconds 99% Trend
spec/models/tenant_spec.rb 7.59 seconds 10% Trend
spec/system/valuation/budgets_spec.rb 7.45 seconds 990% Trend
spec/models/budget/stats_spec.rb 7.43 seconds 37% Trend
spec/system/polls/questions_spec.rb 7.37 seconds 1099% Trend
spec/system/management_spec.rb 7.35 seconds 1290% Trend
spec/lib/user_segments_spec.rb 7.29 seconds 46% Trend
spec/system/direct_messages_spec.rb 7.22 seconds 171% Trend
spec/system/polls/votation_types_spec.rb 7.17 seconds 287% Trend
spec/system/user_invites_spec.rb 7.01 seconds 1356% Trend
spec/helpers/locales_helper_spec.rb 6.92 seconds 24% Trend
spec/customization_engine_spec.rb 6.9 seconds 73% Trend
spec/system/banners_spec.rb 6.71 seconds 981% Trend
spec/system/site_customization/images_spec.rb 6.69 seconds 1348% Trend
spec/system/machine_learning_spec.rb 6.53 seconds 307% Trend
spec/components/layout/locale_switcher_component_spec.rb 6.4 seconds 39% Trend
spec/system/admin/moderators_spec.rb 6.34 seconds 76% Trend
spec/system/sdg_management/goals_spec.rb 6.32 seconds 1899% Trend
spec/system/admin/budget_phases_spec.rb 6.23 seconds 35% Trend
spec/models/milestone_spec.rb 6.06 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/admin/managers_spec.rb 5.78 seconds 60% Trend
spec/models/budget/ballot/line_spec.rb 5.76 seconds 8% Trend

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