Knapsack Pro

My organization ( / Open Food Network / controllers / Build ID a2f5966f-017b-46de-bb0b-f3c9460a309e

Build Details

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Commit hash Branch Nodes Start Wall time Tests execution time
7f150c7 refs/heads/task/12776-pay-suppliers-report 8 6 days ago - N/A  

Parallel CI nodes

7 out of 8 parallel CI nodes finished tests.

See your CI server output for CI nodes with index 5 to verify if tests have been finished.

The time span between the finish times of the CI node that Finished First and the one which Finished Last is 10.65 seconds. The shorter this time is, the better.

Parallel CI nodes

The time span between the finish times of the CI node that Finished First and the one which Finished Last is 10.65 seconds. The shorter this time is, the better.

Node index Finish time Tests execution time (11 minutes 33.02 seconds) Test files
0 2024-10-16 19:32:01 UTC 1 minute 34.25 seconds
1 2024-10-16 19:31:57 UTC 1 minute 35.16 seconds
2 2024-10-16 19:32:02 UTC 1 minute 43.26 seconds
3 2024-10-16 19:32:03 UTC 1 minute 39.33 seconds
4 Finished Last 2024-10-16 19:32:06 UTC 1 minute 39.77 seconds
6 Finished First 2024-10-16 19:31:55 UTC 1 minute 38.18 seconds
7 2024-10-16 19:32:03 UTC 1 minute 43.09 seconds

Test Files recorded on parallel CI nodes

All parallel CI nodes must complete their work before you can see recorded test files.

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