Knapsack Pro

Speed up RSpec tests run your 1 hour Ruby test suite in 2 minutes
with the optimal parallelisation on Jenkins

Run RSpec tests in parallel on Jenkins in the optimal way and avoid bottleneck parallel jobs.

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Without Knapsack Pro

you have to wait 20 minutes for slow RSpec tests running too long on the red Jenkins node


Run fast parallel Jenkins build with Knapsack Pro

Jenkins build completes work in only 10 minutes because Knapsack Pro ensures all parallel nodes finish work at a similar time


You can even run 20 parallel nodes to complete your Jenkins build in 2 minutes

How it works

Knapsack Pro in Queue Mode splits tests in a dynamic way across parallel Jenkins nodes to ensure each Jenkins node finishes work at a similar time. Thanks to that, your CI build time is as fast as possible. It works with many supported CI servers.

Diagram that shows files distributed to 3 parallel CI nodes

Continuous delivery pipelines in Jenkins and CI parallelisation

Jenkins parallelism integration for RSpec

Start using Knapsack Pro with RSpec on Jenkins

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