Cucumber |
Sinon.js |
Programming language | Ruby | JavaScript |
Category |
Acceptance Testing
Unit Testing
General info |
An automation tool for Behavior-Driven Development The specifications are written in plain texts, which allows them to be easily understandable for all stakeholders. Cucumber Framework also supports languages beyond Ruby e.g. Java, JavaScript and Scala. |
Standalone test stubs and mocks for JavaScript. Works with any unit testing framework. Sinon.js is a great library when you want to unit test your code with supports spies, stubs, and mocks. The library has cross browser support and also can run on the server using Node.js. |
Set of frameworks originating from SUnit (Smalltalk's testing framework). They share similar structure and functionality. |
Yes Compatible |
Allows testing code execution on the client, such as a web browser |
Yes You can test the front-end part like the GUI using cucumber and selenium, they integrate well to test your front-end. |
Yes Sinon.js is a good library for unit testing your front-end code and has cross browser support |
Allows testing the bahovior of a server-side code |
Yes You can test back-end components such as APIs using rest & soap clients, and databases using whatever client libraries were provided by the libraries that existed in those stacks |
Yes Sinon.js can run on node.js to test back-end components and server-side behaviour |
Allows defining a fixed, specific states of data (fixtures) that are test-local. This ensures specific environment for a single test |
Group fixtures
Allows defining a fixed, specific states of data for a group of tests (group-fixtures). This ensures specific environment for a given group of tests. |
Yes Using the cucumber extension aruba you can create fixures in two steps: 1.Create a fixtures-directory; 2.Create fixture files in this directory |
Supports data generators for tests. Data generators generate input data for test. The test is then run for each input data produced in this way. |
Yes You can group your fixtures inside your fixtures directories |
Licence type governing the use and redistribution of the software |
MIT License
New BSD License; Modified BSD License
Mocks are objects that simulate the behavior of real objects. Using mocks allows testing some part of the code in isolation (with other parts mocked when needed) |
Yes By using all of RSpec’s supported mocking frameworks (RSpec, Mocha, RR, Flexmock) |
Yes SinonJS is basically a library that we can use to create object mocks for unit testing |
Allows organizing tests in groups |
Yes Cucumber allows the use of tag Cucumber feature files or individual tests to group tests. Then, you can pass a Cucumber tagged expression at test execution that specifies the tag (grouped) tests to run. |
Other useful information about the testing framework |