Gocheckhttps://github.com/go-check/check |
Goconveyhttps://github.com/smartystreets/goconvey |
Programming language | Go | Go |
Category |
Unit Testing
Regression Testing, Unit Testing
General info |
Rich testing framework for Go Gocheck is a richer testing framework for Golang libraries and applications that includes checkers and assertions among many other features, it also works as an extension to the testing package and 'go test' |
BDD style testing framework for Go Goconvey is a two pronged testing tool consisting of a test runner that watches your code for changes, runs 'go test' and renders your results in a web browser and the second a library that allows you to write BDD-style tests with standard 'go test' functions |
Set of frameworks originating from SUnit (Smalltalk's testing framework). They share similar structure and functionality. |
Allows testing code execution on the client, such as a web browser |
Yes Yes, supports end-to-end testing so various front-end components can be tested |
Yes Yes, Goconvey can perform front-end tests |
Allows testing the bahovior of a server-side code |
Yes Yes end-to-end testing means that various back-end components and behaviour can be tested |
Yes Yes one can perform end-to-end HTTP tests with goconvey to see how an application works against remote servers |
Allows defining a fixed, specific states of data (fixtures) that are test-local. This ensures specific environment for a single test |
Yes Fixtures are available with Gocheck either per suite and/or per setup and teardown |
Yes Yes, Goconvey uses scopes to define fixtures and a reset function for teardown |
Group fixtures
Allows defining a fixed, specific states of data for a group of tests (group-fixtures). This ensures specific environment for a given group of tests. |
Yes Group fixtures are available as a suite |
Yes One can define group fixtures using scopes |
Supports data generators for tests. Data generators generate input data for test. The test is then run for each input data produced in this way. |
Yes The web UI has a button to open the built in generator |
Licence type governing the use and redistribution of the software |
Simplified BSD License
Goconvey License
Mocks are objects that simulate the behavior of real objects. Using mocks allows testing some part of the code in isolation (with other parts mocked when needed) |
Yes Through third party libraries like gomock |
Yes Using the mock package or mockery library to autogenerate mock code |
Allows organizing tests in groups |
Yes When testing, developers can create suites of tests |
Yes Similar to a table driven approach an entire suite can be contained in a single function |
Other useful information about the testing framework |