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Knapsack Pro
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FAQ for knapsack_pro (Ruby)
Supported test runner: RSpec, Cucumber, Minitest, test-unit, Spinach, Turnip
Common problems & solutions for knapsack_pro gem usage
Queue Mode problems & solutions for knapsack_pro gem
General questions for knapsack_pro gem
Questions around data usage and security of knapsack_pro gem
Common problems & solutions for knapsack_pro gem usage
Queue Mode problems & solutions for knapsack_pro gem
Does in Queue Mode the RSpec is initialized many times that causes Rails load over and over again?
Why my tests are executed twice in Queue Mode? Why CI node runs whole test suite again?
Parallel tests Cucumber and RSpec with Cucumber failures exit CI node early leaving fewer CI nodes to finish RSpec Queue
Why when I reran the same build (same commit hash, etc) on Codeship then no tests would get executed in Queue Mode?
If one of the parallel CI nodes starts work very late after other parallel CI nodes already finished work then tests are executed twice on late CI node in Knapsack Pro Queue Mode
General questions for knapsack_pro gem
What happens when Knapsack Pro API is not available/not reachable temporarily?
How to auto split test files by test cases on parallel jobs (CI nodes)?
How to split tests based on test level instead of test file level?
What is optimal order of test commands?
How to run knapsack_pro only on a few parallel CI nodes instead of all?
Questions around data usage and security of knapsack_pro gem
What data is sent to your servers?
How is that data secured?
Who has access to the data?
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